Jesus looked at them and said, "With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible."

What it reveals:
This verse comes after Jesus told Simon (a fisher who becomes, Jesus' disciple and fisher of men) to throw his net into the water. Keep in mind, Simon didn't throw the net back into the water before letting Jesus know that he and the others have already spent all night trying to catch fish and couldn't catch a single one. Jesus tells Him to throw the net, and after Simon obeys, he catches more fish then the net can handle and even the boat begins tipping over. Jesus' response to this is Matthew 19:26, ...with God all things are possible. This is one of my favorite verses and bible stories.
This verse reveals that God is able to do so much for us, even more than we ask for. It reveals that we can get the most out of life with God. It means that even after we've faced adversity God is still able to bring about a blessing for us. There have been many times in my life that I have experienced God's hand in the impossible. I think about the time I struggled to find an internship for my undergraduate degree, it was getting down to the wire and I had less than a week to get this internship locked down before I'd have to drop the credits and double up the following semester. Just two days before the winter break and God showed up. I got the internship, the only interview I was able to land and I got it. I just knew it had to be God because prior to getting this internship some people were discouraging me from pursuing it further and some even suggested that I drop the course (credits). Imagine, if I gave up and decided to listen to them and not listen to Him. I wouldn't have been able to catch what was mine. I wouldn't have been able to catch the blessing that seemed impossible to man, but possible to God.
Thank God, I threw my net (my application) into the water and got that internship. Because it was ready and waiting for me to take hold of it. It was exactly what I needed to drive the direction of my career and that was also a part of the bigger blessing there. Sometimes we have to throw our nets down and trust that God's hand is at work and that all things are possible through Him. We have to have faith that believes in the impossible to catch our impossible blessings.
What areas of your life are you believing in God to do the impossible? Will you lean into his direction and trust that He can do it for you? I think you should because there is something big waiting on the other side of the net just for you.
Father, thank you because all things are possible with you. Thank you for the many blessings you've blessed me with that were greater than anything that could even think or ask for. Father, today I pray that you would stretch our faith to trust that you are working things together for us. Stretch our faith to believe that you are making the impossible, possible. And stretch our hearts and minds to obey your instruction. In Jesus' name, Amen!