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Empowered: Be Bigger Than the Moment - Rise Above Now

You better recognize that You Are Bigger Than This Moment so that you can walk into Gods promise!

The size of your circumstance may feel extremely massive, and the weight of your current life may feel impossible to overcome but just imagine how the wall of Jericho looked to the Israelites as they walked around it for seven days. They had to understand how to be empowered: be bigger than the moment despite what it looked and let us not forget the seeded doubt that followed before they got there.

Everything that is currently happening is for a reason, and I know you’ve heard this time and time again but it’s simply the truth. God as we know Him is the beginning and the end and if we truly trust the beginning and the end He has written is good, and leads to a place of victory then we have to trust this because even His word aligns as it tells us that He has a plan and purpose for us.

What this signals is that what we say about everything happening for a reason has to be indeed true because what were experiencing has its on purpose in the story that were living out.

You’re probably fed up, frustrated, tired, or just desperate to move forward and God gets that. He truly understands that, that is what you want but He knows that this thorn, this wind is what you need to get yourself to where you so desperately want to go. You see this moment may seem to be so much bigger than what you’re capable of handling but in all actuality that's the way God would have it because it will make you stronger and better for it.

Romans 5:1-5 talks about perseverance and how that allows us to build the capacity to persevere, develop our character, and expand our level of hope.

What is this moment for you? Is it the job? Is it school? Is it your living situation? your family? your love life? your finances? or something else?

Whatever it is you are facing you must know that you are bigger than it because the God that you serve is also bigger. But, the keyword here is serve which lends itself to seeking Him and prioritizing His will, His word, His presence. How so? Well, to serve is to worship. The requirement for our worship is that it must be done in spirit and in truth. Align your spirit with His and be honest with your life. Don't tether on the fence. Tethering brings discontent and creates misalignment. So while your mouth is saying one thing, your heart is saying another. Don't let this be the case for you.

You have to command your spirit to align, to obey the word of the creator, and to believe that if He said it, then He will do it. He isn't called Jireh for fun, nor is He called 'I Am' for the sake of being called I am, you must know that He can do it all and make way for anything.

Here's a song that I believe will help you remember that God is Bigger Than Your Circumstance. And if He's bigger and you are His than you already know you're bigger too. So, worship Him through the circumstance that seems too big for what you can handle.


What God Cannot Do, Does Not Exist


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