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Unexpected [Divine] Encounters

I recently had the most interesting and unexpected encounter with someone through Instagram. God was showing out that particular week; I had just gotten engaged (yes, to be married!) and I was then featured on my jobs IG for Women's History Month (mind blown - I was only there for about 5 months at this point). I had to have been walking under an open heaven! That feature led me to like a comment from an account that said something really nice to and about me.

In turn, we ended up following one another, and one DM turned into a Zoom call turned into a spiritual encounter, and ultimately collaboration.

It came at such a divine time where I was open, ready, and willing. At this point, we both had been doing our own personal work in the background of remaining obedient, trusting in God, and letting Him flow in our lives. But, unbeknownst to me, the founder, Marcela, of said IG account, @YourDream_Wall, was seeking to do a Faith-based project for her business. And so in our first encounter, we flowed, we spoke like old friends, we shared our stories, and we prayed, we asked God to meet us here and guide us on our next steps.

That's when She Finds Freedom: A Workshop to Renew Your Freedom in the Holy Spirit was born. God gave us something to pour back out on others, and I'm so excited to see how He's going to move on July 24th in the lives of the women who join us. [Find Out More & Buy Your Ticket Now]

So, the thing I'm continuously reminded of is that it's better to just follow to the beat of the drum that God is beating, knowing that He'll play a tune that'll get us to the right place at the right time.

These divine encounters can come when we least expect them. The way to confirm if it is an encounter sent by God is to:

  • Check-in on your past prayers.

  • Take inventory of where you are.

  • Search for how this encounter will benefit God's glory, and of course, above all,

  • Talk to God and ask Him to confirm and explain the purpose of this person's presence in your life.

It's easy to miss the sign of an encounter, but when you know that you've been waiting for a move of God in your life, you should always be on high alert. Because He's faithful, and He will answer prayers, and that can come in the form of person, place, or things. God isn't a man, but He certainly does use them. Take Ruth encountering Boaz, for example. She was obedient, following the rhythm of the beat God gave her by following her mother-in-law (Naomi) even though she no longer needed to. In turn, when she least expected it, she encountered a man who would become a blessing to both of them, and it was actually Naomi who recognized the impact of the encounter. As a result, God was glorified through the heartache that brought them back to Naomi's homeland. God mended the pain by blessing Ruth and responding to Naomi's cries in the form of an encounter with Boaz.


She Finds Freedom: A Workshop to Renew Your Freedom in the Holy Spirit is presented by YourDreamWall and TOLD BY OLAY.

On July 24, at 12:30 pm in NYC, together, we will build and restore our strength and freedom with God's presence - it will be an opportunity for you to create a vision board that serves as a reminder of His Spirit within you. And you will get the chance to network and connect with like-minded women.

Join us for a unique experience, become inspired, and discover the power of freedom to become unstuck and allow yourself to be vulnerable under the protection of God. Buy Ticket Now


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