Can you imagine yourself being the CEO, a homeowner, a parent, a minister, an actor? In that case, you need to take that imagination into prayer and walk by faith in that identity. If you can imagine yourself being wealthy, walk in it. Walk in it: believe it, operate in it, and live as if you're already there.
I've spent a lot of time thinking about who I want to be when I grow up. Even as an "adult," I still find that I have to go back to a childlike mindset when using my imagination. I have to tap into a space that is fearless and optimistic. Children aren't intimidated by circumstances because they don't fully understand what we consider the limitations of life. While they may be impressionable, it takes a while before they reach a point where they feel incapable. I honestly think that fear is a learned behavior. As we grow, experience life, engage with people, and develop our outlook on life, things trigger the fear factor to come to life. (May we overcome in the name of Jesus!)
And as we grow in age, we can choose to take on the fears that exist within our households, the company we keep, and the information we digest, or we can acknowledge that these fears and beliefs exist but live our lives to the fullest despite it.
Sometimes we need to have a childlike faith to begin to think of what would be considered the impossible for our lives. Life starts in the mind, and our thoughts influence our decisions. It's the reason why the enemy is always fighting to take hold of our mind (If you're currently struggling in this area, I recommend reading the book Battlefield of the Mind by Joyce Meyer). He wants to take away our peace of mind because it gives way for thinking freely and sanely. Peace of mind is a gift from God, and out of it flows milk and honey (all that is good and bountiful). Without it, we can't really use our minds to imagine our lives filled with good bounty.

But this is what God wants for us. He wants us to be free in our imagination and use it to believe and activate our faith even in the things that have not yet come to pass. Its faith, believing in the unseen. In this physical natural world, your vision might not seem to exist. But in the spiritual realm, the vision already exists.
God is the creator, the author, and the finisher, which means He already knows how our story ends. If this is the case, we should tap into His presence to fuel our imagination for life. Our prayers should embrace the ideas of God. They must bring His zeal for our lives to life.
Suppose you can imagine yourself being the CEO, a homeowner, a parent, a minister, an actor. In that case, you need to take that imagination into prayer and walk by faith in that identity. If you can imagine yourself being wealthy, walk in it. Walk in it: believe it, operate in it, and live as if you're already there.
Specific characteristics keep people in a position of excellence in their place of purpose. If you desire to be among the excellent, you need to uncover those traits and start applying them to your life. Luke 16:10a says, "Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much" He requires us to be stewards in our current position before He can take us higher and give us more.
So, while you're imagining, begin also to imagine what your responsibilities will be. Begin to imagine what steps will get you to the destiny destination. Prepare yourself in every sense of the word. The actions of life matter; it's why Jesus painted a picture of what life would be like to the disciples that wanted to follow him. Nowhere to sleep, meals, etc. You won't be able to see your families, but you'll be fishers of men, this is what it's like, are you ready for it?